5 Amazing Facts About Baler Church

The church of Baler looks very simple but is actually rich with history. Some of the facts I learned from Baler’s website, information from the National Historical Commission and articles from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts surprised…

Dalat Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine

The other side of Vietnam. Foodies love to explore and allow their palates to travel to distant places, not just by flying away, but by also trying out new restaurants within reach. Dalat Authentic Vietnam Cuisine offers something different from…

Fort Knox Bags

Stylish. Elegant. Functional. Sharp. Affordable. My Fort Knox bag completes my smart casual and formal ensembles. This is something men should have. It’s a good gift idea for the women to surprise their fathers, brothers and husbands with. The bag…


The sweet scent of magic saturates the atmosphere of this rustic paradise called Sonya’s Garden. Stepping into a journey of wellness, the place relaxes the eyes, calms the body, refreshes the soul. The owner, Sonya Garcia, taught me something very valuable…

XO46 Heritage Bistro (Pasay)

When dining becomes appetizing not just to the palate, but also to the rest of the senses, the overall experience becomes even more memorable. At XO46 Heritage Bistro, all that reaches a level of excellence and uniqueness I will always…

D’ Banquet

Sometimes a usual trip to a familiar place can give a pleasant surprise. That’s what happened when my family and I went to Tagaytay City, a favorite weekend getaway for people from Metro Manila. Tagaytay, known for its slightly cooler…