Pi Breakfast and Pies

Pi Breakfast and Pies -011Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Why not make every meal as important? At Pi Breakfast and Pies, they serve breakfast all day long with creative, filling, and definitely delicious breakfast items to choose from.

I often associate breakfast with eggs. Many people do. Pi Breakfast and Pies can create perfect eggs. I enjoyed their Skillet Fritata, a meal on its own, and good for sharing. It’s packed with ham, bacon, longganisa, mushroom, spinach, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, green bell pepper, onion, garlic, tomato, ricotta, mozzarella, and Gruyere cheese cooked with three eggs.

Skillet Fritata

Skillet Fritata

The Ultimate Bacon Rice is sinfully tasty. The thick bacon slab has all that bacon goodness, although, it could’ve been even better if it was more tender. The eggs that came with it were perfect with rice. But what surprised me was the slightly sweet bacon jam that you can spread on the bacon slab. It works. I consumed a modest amount of bacon jam, not too much to overpower the bacon slab’s smoky and salty taste. Eating this made me whisper to it, “please be careful with my heart.”

Ultimate Bacon Rice (bacon slab, scrambled egg, bacon jam)

Ultimate Bacon Rice (bacon slab, scrambled egg, bacon jam)

And for the breakfast for kings, you can try the Steak and Eggs. That’s Kitayama wagyu beef striploin, sunny side-up eggs, petit salad, bacon bernaise, and bagnet fat fried fries. Bernaise sauce is usually butter, yolks, and other ingredients. This one is made with bacon. I hardly touched the bacon bernaise, it was too buttery, but that’s how this sauce is really like. I thought the steak was fine without it. But they also served a second sauce, which I liked. It’s a steak sauce they developed that’s slightly sweet and spicy. Celebrity Chef Edward Bugia, one of the restaurant’s owners, said it was made of honey, cayenne pepper, worcestershire sauce, and other secret ingredients.

Steak and Eggs

Steak and Eggs

Pancakes are great for breakfast too and I have a new favorite pancake. I love pancakes and I love chocolates. Put them together, and you have Chocolate Cookie Dough Pancake. Try it and it might just turn out to be your new favorite pancake too.

I like my pancakes sweet, so when I saw that it was served without syrup, I requested for syrup. Before I poured the syrup though, I tried the Cookie Dough Pancake without it. And when I did, it was heaven. I could taste the rich and sweet chocolate filling, the chocolate chips, and the chocolate sauce coating it. I had to let it stay in my mouth. I didn’t want to just swallow it. I enjoyed every second I spent, slowly chewing it and relishing the chocolate goodness, without the syrup.

Chocolate Cookie Dough

Chocolate Cookie Dough Pancake

Pi Breakfast and Pies, of course, can make awesome pies. Smack Pie is their version of Momofuku Milk Bar’s bestseller, the Crack Pie. Momofuku Milk Bar is a famous pastry and dessert place in New York where crowds consume their Crack Pie daily. I’ve never tasted Crack Pie, but thanks to Pi Breakfast and Pies, I have an idea how the Crack Pie is like through their Smack Pie.

It’s soft, gooey, and sweet. It tastes good, something like pecan pie.

Smack Pie and Choco Raspberry Pie

Smack Pie and Choco Raspberry Pie

Another pie we had was the Choco Raspberry Pie. It’s made of chocolate ganache, raspberry jam and oreo crust. It’s like rich, creamy chocolate frosting turned pie. Sweet chocolate lovers will probably like this. Its raspberry top is like sticky jelly.

Also try their ensaymadas and pastels.

Ricotta Ensaymada

Ricotta Ensaymada

Queso De Bola Pastel

Queso De Bola Pastel

Pi Breakfast and Pies is located along Malingap Street, Teacher’s Village, Quezon City. It’s near the famous Maginhawa Street. The restaurant can comfortably accommodate 15 to 20 persons in the air-conditioned area, but there’s also a well-ventilated al fresco at the back. I had a great time here, and I really hope they can expand the air-conditioned area, which is usually packed. If you plan to eat here, I suggest you make table reservations, unless you prefer staying at the al fresco.

Pi Breakfast and Pies -015a

Rates may changes without prior notice:
Skillet Fritata Php295
Ultimate Bacon Rice Php385
Steak and Eggs Php605
Chocolate Cookie Dough Pancake Php145
Smack Pie Php155
Choco Raspberry Pie Php160
Queso De Bola Pastel Php25
Ricotta Ensaymada Php25

Address: 39 Malingap St., Teacher’s Village, Quezon City
Operating Hours: 7am-10pm Daily
Tel. No.: (02) 441-1773
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/breakfastnpies
Twitter and Instagram: @breakfastnpies

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